Gain Confidence | Stop Feeling "Salesy" | Grow Your Business

Low-Confidence Business Owners and Sales Reps Make Less Money

No one likes making less money. Starting today, build your confidence in selling and marketing. Your destiny is to be in control and have a thriving business!

Make Marketing Easy Courses teach you skills that build confidence in marketing and selling your products and services.

Here are the steps to success:

  • Step One

    Buy the online course, “How to Make Your Customers and Prospects Feel Special."

  • Step Two

    Commit to learning and executing the ideas and skills in the course each week.

  • Step Three

    Enjoy a thriving business as you build confidence in selling and marketing.

Your Instructor is Joel Gaslin

Joel Gaslin

President & CEO

If you're looking for someone who's walked a mile in your shoes, I'm your guy. I'm the President and CEO of Sightpath Medical, A Private Equity-sponsored Ophthalmology services company with ~$100MM in revenue and 220+ employees. I sold in the field for a long time, managed sales and marketing teams, managed marketing product lines, launched products and services, led salesforce expansions and contractions, implemented CRM and digital marketing software, and built a successful in-house agency. Joel Gaslin Consulting is my passion project because I can help people improve their marketing and selling skills and donate the profits to charity. My hobbies include morning exercise, spending time with my wife, adult children, and friends, cooking, playing golf, and reading the steady flow of interesting business books written by smart people.

Making Your Customers and Prospects Feel Special

Confidence Building Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

  • 2

    Course One - How to Make Your Customers and Prospects Feel Important

    • Lesson 1 - Handwritten Notes

    • Handwritten Notes Examples

    • Lesson 1 - Handwritten Notes Quiz

    • Lesson 1 - Resources PDF

    • Lesson 2 - Get Personal With Your Customers and Prospects

    • Get Personal Examples

    • Lesson 2 - Get Personal Quiz

    • Lesson 2 - Resources PDF

    • Lesson 3 - Do a Market Analysis to Add Value

    • Market Analysis Examples

    • Lesson 3 - Market Analysis Quiz

    • Lesson 3 - Resources PDF

    • Lesson 4 - Business Reviews that Wow Your Customers!

    • Business Review Examples

    • Lesson 4 - Business Review Quiz

    • Lesson 4 - Resources PDF

    • Lesson 5 - Curate Content to Stay Top of Mind and Win

    • Curating Content Examples

    • Lesson 5 - Content Curation Quiz

    • Lesson 5 - Resources PDF

    • Bonus Interview with Vance Thompson, MD

  • 3

    Next steps

    • Congrats! Here's what's next...

    • Before you go, I am grateful if you will answer a couple of questions...

How much does it cost?

Make Marketing Easy courses always contain five lessons. So they each cost less than a Latte!

Here's what students are saying:

“As a Co-Founder of a start-up, I play a lot of roles. Connecting with prospects and customers is important for all of us, so I appreciate ideas that help me do that. I'm looking forward to the courses that are coming over the next year, and plan to use them to help us grow our business. I like Joel's easy-going, no-nonsense teaching style.”

Meredith Cannon - Co-Founder, Venture Cannon

“The pandemic has made us rethink how we communicate, connect, and develop relationships in professional settings. The first lesson in the training helped me rethink my quick email response system to following up on a productive call. We all get too many emails, and most of the time don't even get a response. Handwritten notes are a back-to-basics act but filled with sincerity. I'm going to add it to my daily discipline.”

Patty Post - Founder and CEO, Checkable Medical